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Tuesday, November 15, 2016

Two Month Countdown!

While I plan for the Christmas holiday all year around, looking for cute ornament crafts, or recipes to try, or movies and books I want to see and read, the last two months are really about the events and people. My preparation helps me to be able to enjoy all that is around me in a calm and peaceful way.

Ok, maybe not so much.

But, mostly that is true.  There is always a last minute something that unweaves the best plans, but that is life, deal with it and move along!

One of the things I love to do at this time is to create my calendar.  I have a wonderful Christmas Notebook that has been with me since 1977 when I was married.  The notebook looks quite a bit different, but I love looking through it at things I did in the past.  Things have surely changed.

I print a two month calendar from a Google Extension and have a ball decorating it with my washi tapes and stickers.  I don't go over board, as this is a working calendar.  I just like it to be festive. Here it is before I add in all our family's dates!  I have emailed my children and have them looking into possible dates, since I have to share them now.

I grab all the city's advertisements on dates for open houses, light displays, and church services so we can schedule them all in.  It never fails, two of the season's most fun events will land on the same night, but we make a decision and don't regret the rest!

What do you do to stay organized for Christmas?

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  1. I make a list of everything I want to do for Christmas (bake, shop, skiing, you name it) and then write it all up in my calender so I know in advance what to do everyday to make the most out of Christmas :)

  2. Oh my goodness, what a great idea to look through all the advertisement's as you plan out your holiday season! And I love that you have your calendar dating back nearly 40 many memories!

  3. Organized? Lol. My New Years resolution for 2017! Great ideas Teri

  4. Great way to keep everything less chaotic!

  5. I have a to do list and dates as to when things need to be done. Then i check them off or put festive stickers near each item completed.

  6. I usually make lists and add to the calendar on my phone since it's always with me!!

  7. This is a great idea, I was just thinking I need to get my Christmas lists organized. I never thought of putting it on a calendar, but that would really help!

  8. Thanks for sharing your lovely idea for the holidays.

  9. Wow you are on the ball!!!! I LOVE that you have been using a little notebook since 1977. What a great memory keeper!

  10. I NEED to do this! I add reminders in my phone and pray I don't forget something. haha I definitely need to get a bit more organized!

  11. Looks like a very good system for fitting in all of the fun events of the season!

  12. This is such a smart idea! I feel like I'm always behind or missing out on something around the holidays!

  13. I am so ready for Christmas! I love this time of year, making lists is the way I am surviving right now though.

  14. I love my Christmas calendar, it's so fun to see all of the upcoming events during the next two months!

  15. Wow! I love your idea about calendar! This will make you organize. I'm using my planner to stay organized this coming Holidays.

  16. Can't for Christmas! I'm also using a calendar to be organize. Have fun in Disney World BTW.

  17. How fun! I love a fun countdown and I think having more than one is even better if you have more than one child! -debra

  18. I'm a total whirlwind on Thansgiving weekend...on Black Friday I shop. On Friday evening, we all decorate the house for Christmas. On Saturday, I do my Christmas cards and get them in the mail. By Sunday, I've got my Christmas party menus planned, gifts wrapped and under the tree and I feel the magic of the holiday season!

  19. I can not believe that there is so little time before Christmas. It is still boggling my mind that Thanksgiving is next week.

  20. Love this! I need to have an entire calendar in front of me all the time otherwise I will always forget what's coming up.

  21. Wow... wish I had the time to do a countdown to Christmas. Let me guess, you're already done with your XMas shopping too? LOL.

  22. Omg love it!!!! I'm like you and have my calendars out ready to plan everything during the holiday season!


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